Check out my latest interview, and enter to win a free copy of my award-winning book, The Long Shadow.
Great news! The audiobook is out for my award-winning short novel for kids 12-14, The Long Shadow. It’s a time travel tale of racial reconciliation, aimed at kids 12-14. Winner of a Moonbeam Children’s Book Award. At 4 hours, 41 minutes, it’s...
These days, a great recent book for a boy can be hard to find, what with all the new offerings featuring girl power. But boys are still out there, and many of them like to read. If you want to promote reading in your family, perhaps a list of good recent boy books is...
I’ve got big Moonbeam news! But first, I apologize for being quiet. You may have been wondering what I am doing. I’ve been working on writing more fiction for kids. I’ve now got a study guide for homeschoolers reading The Long Shadow! And, there are...
It’s here! The Long Shadow, my debut novel, is born today. I am so thrilled and thankful that so many people, including kids and adults, are reading it and telling me they love the book. Including, for example, Covenant Seminary professor Jerram Barrs: “I...
Rejoice with me! My dream is coming true! My debut novel, The Long Shadow, comes out June 1 from Elk Lake Publishing. It’s an anti-racist novel for kids 10-14. I’ve been wanting to write a children’s book since I was 13! What’s The Long Shadow...
Hi, I'm Phyllis Wheeler
Award-winning middle-grade Christian fiction writer extraordinaire! I'm excited to have you here. To learn more about me and my story as an author and homeschool mom, visit the About page.
The kid just wants his beloved dog back. Before it’s too late.
Disbelief and shock fill eleven-year-old Jake when a stranger grabs his beloved dog. Jake and his twin Ava chase the scruffy teen down their suburban street, but the thief simply vanishes. So … what is this ancient-looking skeleton key Jake finds in the street? Turning it in the air takes the twins—somewhere else!